Umm Al Qura Calendar

Islamic Date Today in Saudi Arabia

20 Jumadal Ula 1446 AH

Today’s Islamic date in Saudi Arabia is 20 Jumadal Ula 1446 AH. This matches the Gregorian date of 21 November, 2024. In Saudi Arabia, we follow the Umm al-Qura calendar, which is based on the moon. This is different from the Gregorian calendar that many people use around the world.

What is the Islamic Date Today?

The Islamic date is determined by the sighting of the moon. The Islamic calendar has 12 months, and each month can have 29 or 30 days. Today, we are in the month of [insert Islamic month]. So, while the Gregorian date is 21 November, 2024, the Islamic date is 20 Jumadal Ula 1446 AH.

Why Are Islamic and Gregorian Dates Important?

In Saudi Arabia, the Islamic date is very important for religious events. For example, we use it to know when Ramadan starts and when Eid al-Fitr is celebrated. Even though we also use the Gregorian calendar, the Islamic date helps us plan our religious activities.

Today, on 21 November, 2024, we observe the Islamic date of 20 Jumadal Ula 1446 AH.

How to Convert Islamic Dates to Gregorian Dates

Many people need to know how to change Islamic dates into Gregorian dates when planning events. The Umm al Qura calendar makes this easy. For example, today’s Islamic date is 20 Jumadal Ula 1446 AH, and it matches the Gregorian date of 21 November, 2024.